SunContract a Strategic Partner at the SolarPower Summit

European Commission policy makers among those in attendance

7 min readMar 15, 2018


SunContract CEO — Gregor Novak was a panelist at the SolarPower Summit, Brussels

At SunContract, we believe that blockchain technology is one of the most undervalued technological advancements of our lifetime. We also believe that it is in fact the missing piece to the completion of an otherwise inefficient energy-sector business model.

Blockchain provides us with immutability, removal of intermediaries, automation, decentralization of consensus, speed, lower costs due to the removal of intermediaries, transparency, near-impossible loss of data, a solution to the problem of double spending as well as encryption through cryptography. Given we are well cogniscent of the benefits of blockchain technology, we as a team can no longer fathom a life without it. Similarly, knowing the numerous benefits of renewable energy, we cannot help but strive to disrupt the energy sector by combining these two to make everyone better off in society by maximizing their welfare.

SunContract CEO — Gregor Novak speaking blockchain in the venture capital market

SunContract strongly believes that a relationship between blockchain and renewable energy production is one that has massive potential and for this reason you will find our CEO — Gregor Novak — evangelizing about the two gamechangers at many conferences and summits worldwide. This time, Mr. Novak and the team can be found in Brussels, Belgium at the SolarPower Summit (SPS), organized by SolarPower Europe where SunContract is in fact a strategic partner.

Is blockchain already in use in Europe?

Mr. Novak explains at the summit that blockchain is already disrupting the European venture capital market. While before most startup companies resorted to existing traditional funding, last year, things were a little different as we saw more and more companies opt for blockchain-based crowdfunding. Mr. Novak stated that the finance sector is changing and will significantly change in the next 5 years. He also explained how blockchain has driven 120% growth in venture capital in the European Union compared to 20% globally.

The SunContract CEO also introduced SunContract Platform at the summit stating that it is going to be the first worldwide blockchain peer-to-peer energy trading platform with its release and launch scheduled for April. He called the SunContract platform release a mere beginning of the digitization of the energy sector through the use of blockchain technology and stated that SunContract is absolutely proud to be pioneering this innovation.

Mr. Novak spoke at an interesting panel titled: Digital Solar Services: Going Beyond Power. This session focused on the intersection of solar, photovoltaics and digitalization, and how the solar sector can strive by embracing digital technologies to generate new business models and offer new services. Mr. Novak attended the panel with representatives of ENTSO-E, ABB PG Solar, Smart Energy Council and the EU Commission.

Some of the companies attending the summit

Europe embracing renewable energy

The conference — which is being held at the Brussel’s Ballroom runs for two days, March 14–15, 2018 and in attendance are some infamous gamechangers in the energy and tech industry such as Microsoft, Tesla, Huawei, LG, as well as key policymakers in the European Union.

One of the keynote speakers at the event is the distinguished Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President for Energy Union, EU Commission. Mr. Šefčovič — an owner of home solar panels himself -expressed on day one of the summit that renewables are good not only for reducing costs at home, but also for business.

He has also expressed the desire to digitize the energy industry in Europe so that small producers are enabled to become independent. He stated his desire for renewable energy to not only sweep through the energy sector, but also into new sectors such as food, cooling and transportation — to name a few. Maroš Šefcovic told the summit attendees in Brussels that he would be the sector’s “ally around the negotiations table” and that he would push for continued support for the clean-tech industry in the post-2020 multiannual financial framework

Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President for Energy Union, EU Commission.

“We must continue strengthening the industrial basis for renewable energy in Europe. Major global economies are following us, turning their economy more sustainable for the benefit of all the planet’s inhabitants,” he said.

In the face of increasing competition, the vice president said, the EU would continue “setting a solid regulatory framework” to support renewables, creating stability for investors.

Ms. Celine Fremault, Minister of the Government of Brussels-Capital Region

Another keynote speaker at the conference was Ms. Celine Fremault, Minister of the Government of Brussels-Capital Region. Ms. Celine spoke about Brussel’s ambitious renewable energy plan stating that the plan would ensure everyone can take part in the city’s energy transition and power schools, hospitals and businesses with solar. By 2020, Mrs Fremault stated that Brussels is expected to double its renewable energy capacities — meaning that carbon emissions can be reduced by 30% by 2025. To do this however, means that SMEs as well as prosumers and local authorities must be able to engage and benefit from their solar innovations — something which SunContract model aims to achieve.

Attendees at the summit

Other speakers at the conference include but are not limited to: Cedric Philibert — Senior Analyst at the International Energy Agency, Ms. Megan Richards — Director of Energy Policy, DG Energy, European Commission, David Mueller — Merck Pharmaceutical Company, Marie-France Van der Valk — European Affairs and Representation to the European Institutions — Renault-Nissan. While there were many speakers from different countries, holding different professional positions at the conference, they all shared one thing in common… a shared vision for an increase in the adoption of renewable energy production, its digitization as well as cleaner industries and cleaner mobility all across Europe.

Partnership with SolarPower Europe

SolarPower Europe is a member-led association representing organisations active along the whole value chain whose aim is to shape the regulatory environment and enhance business opportunities for solar power in Europe. The association’s vision is to ensure that solar energy is the leading contributor to Europe’s energy system and so far, it is safe to say that their vision is materializing. In 2017 alone, the European solar market grew by more than 25% compared to 2016. The association is meeting its goals by achieving exploring the following objectives:

  • Successfully positioning solar-based energy solutions with policymakers at the European level and through national level influence so that an enabling environment is delivered for solar power growth in Europe.
  • Producing thought leading energy market analysis that supports the business objectives of our members and promotes solar power to policymakers and the energy sector.
  • Ensuring that solar-based energy solutions have access to financing and funding across Europe, through communication and exchange with the finance community.
  • Effectively communicating the benefits of solar power through all relevant communication channels, with consistent messages across Europe and globally, so that our key arguments gain traction in both the media and with stakeholders.
  • Effective coordination of business opportunities for members through supporting the attendance of members at the best networking and business development platforms in Europe and beyond

As many of you know, SunContract and SolarPower Europe formed a partnership late 2017 and we are therefore the beneficiaries of a strong support system that we do not take for granted. By partnering with SPE, we have been provided an opportunity to be a part of a movement that shares our vision to its very core.

SPE as a mediator on new markets

The Solar Power summit is recognized through the solar sector as the most important event regarding the development of global solar markets. This flagship event of the solar sector in Europe is the forum that brings together the leading European solar companies, high-level European policymakers and international media to discuss the state of the solar sector on a global level with an emphasis on Europe.

SunContract Team

At SunContract, we aim to lay new foundations for further expansion within the European Union and also globally. For us, this means a lot of interactions with attendees involved in the regulation of the solar energy industry as well as those involved politically and technologically. A conference like the SolarPower Summit is the perfect venue for us to meet our objectives and it has therefore been a pleasure for the team headed by Gregor Novak, to be a part of this inspiring two-day conference.

Keep in touch with the team on Telegram where we are always active. We are also on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. SNC token is getting fresh traction and is being recognized by new investors and several different exchanges. Be sure to check out the healthy and stable growth of the SNC token.

SunContract is an energy trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy pool based on smart contracts. Blockchain technology takes over the role of the middle man as a trusted technology infrastructure. The blockchain technologies are implemented into existing energy distribution systems without changing the general energy regulation framework. We have already developed and launched our pilot project which is in use on a national level in Slovenia for a start. We are currently working on expansion, adoption and introducing a fiat gateway on the platform for users to purchase electricity directly on the platform without the need for a cryptocurrency exchange.

For Media Enquiries:

Winfred K. Mandela

CMO — SunContract




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.