SunContract and Coolomat Market Partnership Announcement

Delivering more options to their communities

3 min readMay 9, 2018


Coolomat Market and SunContract‘s CEOs light-hearted after signing the partnership contract

SunContract is pleased to announce its new partnership with Coolomat Market, an online groceries marketplace, directly connecting consumers and grocery suppliers on an innovative platform.

Colomat Market will change the online e-commerce grocery sector with an innovative approach connecting customers and producers, big and small, over a new innovative online platform utilizing blockchain technology and open source software and unique cooling click & collect pick-up point devices known as Coolomats.

SunContract is dedicated to being a leading energy-trading platform that utilizes blockchain technology to create a new business model for buying and selling electricity. The company links independent power producers and consumers to the decentralized energy market platform through SunContract mobile app.

SunContract and Coolomat Market CEOs officially enter agreement

The Benefits

Saving costs through peer-to-peer technology that SunContract and Coolomat Market are using will disrupt both of their industries and offer benefits to supporters of both companies.

Coolomats provide to the end consumers an eco-friendlier and healthier food at a lower price, and better margins for the farmer or producer (supplier) compared to the cooperation model with big retail chains. As origin of the food is very important to Coolomat Market’s supporters, they might feel even better by knowing that their favorite Coolomats are powered by green energy from solar, wind, hydro and other renewable sources. Members of Coolomat Market community will be able to optimize their electricity costs by buying electricity through SunContract platform directly from the producers and can reach even greater savings and energy independence when installing solar power plant or heating pump.

Supporters and electricity producers on the SunContract platform will be happy to see that “their” green energy is used for another great cause to power Coolomats that enable eco-friendly food producers directly connect with customers seeking fresh, healthy and locally produced food.

It’s no secret that more and more consumers demand transparency about the way food or products are produced and what type of energy is used in the process. By bringing both companies together, a healthier, greener and more energy efficient environment is realized.

“The Coolomat team has long-term experience in the grocery industry, e-commerce and supply chain management. It is one of the first companies offering a cooling-freezing high-tech solution for external use. Sanitary environments are at the heart of the Coolomat Market and SunContract is passionate to provide Coolomats with solar, wind, hydro and other renewable energy and support the company with the expansion to other EU countries and even continents where electricity trading is possible,” said Gregor Novak, CEO of SunContract.

“SunContract is the first blockchain based electricity trading platform in the world and it even specializes in the renewable energy that appeals greatly to our customers,” said Andrej Vidmar, CEO of Coolomat Market. “This partnership aligns with our core business of connecting customers and producers over a new, innovative online platform, which we want to make as self-sustainable as possible.”

Chat with the team on Telegram where we are always active. We are also on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. SNC token is getting fresh traction and is being recognized by new investors and several different exchanges. Be sure to check out the healthy and stable growth of the SNC token.

SunContract is an energy trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy pool based on smart contracts. Blockchain technology takes over the role of the middle man as a trusted technology infrastructure. The blockchain technologies are implemented into existing energy distribution systems without changing the general energy regulation framework. We have already developed and launched our pilot project which is in use on a national level in Slovenia for a start. We are currently working on expansion, adoption and introducing a fiat gateway on the platform for users to purchase electricity directly on the platform without the need for a cryptocurrency exchange.

Media Contact:

Winfred K. Mandela,

CMO — SunContract




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.