SunContract Business Continuity Amidst COVID-19

Your health and safety = our priority

6 min readMar 20, 2020


Dear SunLovers,

We have always worked hard to ensure that SunContract is a place where our customers, partners, community members and colleagues can always feel welcome and experience a sense of generosity.

Now, more than ever, our greatest priority is your health and safety. You, our customers, partners, community and team members, are essentially the foundation and backbone of the SunContract family.

Without you, there is simply no us.

During a globally challenging time like the one we are facing today, we would like to reassure you that while we continue to implement strict health, hygiene and safety standards as individuals, we are also taking additional stringent precautions in order to keep all of the SunContract family safe, including you.

Business as usual — but from the comfort of our homes

To curb the spread of COVID-19, we have taken necessary actions to reduce the need for people to come into our offices, based on local conditions. We are proud to say that we took these preventive measures before they were implemented nationally and globally.

At the same time, we know that our customers rely on our products, services and expertise, and we remain committed to keep them running smoothly.

We continue to actively monitor our service infrastructure to ensure we meet our contractual commitments to all our partners, customers and community members. And we are still reachable as usual, during our work hours through our regular digital communication channels.

Measures in place for team members:

  • All business trips and conferences planned for some of our team members have been cancelled
  • We have limited the number of employees who can access the office
  • We have banned the access to business premises of our regular partners and customers
  • We are providing the protective means for infection prevention to our team members who need to be physically present

We would like to reassure you all that we are regularly monitoring the situation and adjusting our workflow accordingly. Due to the aggravation of the situation, we have now completely closed our offices and we are all working from home.

A select few are entering our business premises only occasionally — to pick up the mail that is properly handled. As a software company in the energy sector, we are well equipped with an up-to-par digital communication infrastructure which we will rely on to keep in touch with one another as a team on a regular basis.

Scheduled meetings remain scheduled, and business continues to run smoothly, just more digitally.

We are following the National Institute of Public Health guidelines

When it comes to services that require our physical presence (such as installations of power plants), we have also accepted the protocol regarding the visits we make to our customers — that was prepared on the basis of the general guidelines of the National Institute of Public Health. The protocols stipulated are as follows:

  • No physical contact with the customers
  • Keeping a safety distance of 1.5 meters
  • No entering into their homes
  • Not accepting any food or beverages from customers
  • Not giving them any physical documentation, all documentation will be digital

So, you’re concerned for your safety but also interested in our services… How can we go about this safely?

The SunContract team understands the importance of keeping all of our systems up and running during this time. Given we primarily offer digital solutions to energy customers, we are digitally equipped to continue offering our services to existing and potential customers.

When it comes to installations, we are also taking preventive measures together with our partners to ensure customer safety.

The following services are still and will remain available to all existing and prospecting customers:

  1. Access to the SunContract Energy Marketplace
  • We can perform all the procedures for changing the electricity provider since the entire process is digital in nature.
  • This means customers interested in lowering their energy costs or raising their surplus profits can still register to use our energy marketplace without compromising their health. It’s all done online!

2. Solar Power Plant Installations

  • We are digitally arranging all the documentation to set up new solar power plants for interested customers.
  • Even the installation of a solar power plant is possible without physical contact with the customer, since it takes place outside, on the customer’s roof. The plant can be set up within 1-3 days (depending on the size of the power plant).
  • All employees also have a prescribed protocol regarding how to perform work with the clients as already described above.

What does COVID-19 mean for SunContract as a business?

As mentioned above, SunContract specialises in offering flexible, digital solutions to energy customers, allowing them to reshape their energy behaviours into more sustainable ones. Business remains business as usual, with a few adjustments to adapt to the situation at hand.

In fact, we recently opened up our energy management service, to accommodate not only businesses, but also our residential customers.

COVID-19 presents itself simply as curveball which we must adapt ourselves to, but not as a threat to our business.

Our ability to be flexible when the need presents itself can be proven by taking a quick look at our business model and comparing it to the typical, inflexible energy sector business models.

And our ability to operate digitally can be proven by looking at our digital products, solutions and the underlying technology behind them 🙂.

“During these times, it is important to manage our panic and not pass it onto others. We should not let fear stop us from acting with clarity, compassion and courage. Terrible things happen each and every day, but it is still possible to adapt ourselves to them, inform ourselves to take preventive measures and continue to move forward with love and hope.

Coronavirus has challenged us as a society to be more flexible in our way of doing things, to be more digital. SunContract has always been at the forefront of digitizing the energy sector, and we welcome this challenge as an opportunity to be flexible not only in our digital way of servicing energy customers, but more holistically, as a way of life.” said Gregor Novak — Co-founder and CEO of SunContract Energy Marketplace

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SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.