SunContract Partnership Announcement

SunContract and MoneyRebel enter Partnership to Strategically Equip their Communities

3 min readApr 26, 2018


MoneyRebel CEO (left) Mitja Vezovišek and SunContract CEO Gregor Novak

SunContract is pleased to announce its new partnership with MoneyRebel.

Furthering its dedication to be a leading mobile platform for financial services in Europe, the MoneyRebel Platform will provide SunContract with a tool that will simplify the handling of users’ personal finances, making it that much easier for SunContract platform users to functionally connect two worlds — fiat and crypto.

SunContract and MoneyRebel have one major thing in common — both companies strive to disrupt their respective occupational sectors while providing benefits to their supporters.

It is a well-known fact that human beings are using more electricity, now more than ever. Due to the increased digitization of almost every aspect of our lives, electricity bills are going up and they are bound to go up even more over the next couple of years.

Benefits for MoneyRebel and SunContract supporters!

Supporters of the MoneyRebel Platform will be able to minimize their electricity costs by buying electricity through the SunContract platform directly from the producers. They will be able to choose the prices and from whom they purchase their electricity from. MoneyRebel supporters will experience even more increase in welfare (greater savings and energy independence) by installing solar power plants and heat pumps which are provided on the SunContract platform. By using the SunContract platform, MoneyRebel supporters will also be contributing to a cleaner, more durable ecosystem for future generations.

Every supporter of the SunContract Platform that takes part in the pre-ICO or ICO of the MoneyRebel Platform will also have benefits. They will have free access to their mobile banking, with bank transactions and debit MasterCards free of charge. They will also have the liberty to choose their own independent financial advisor, and SNC tokens in their portfolio will become much more easily accessible from their mobile phone app. MoneyRebel being a financial platform that acts as a marketplace will enable users of the SunContract Platform to explore the world of crypto by connecting them with crypto-skilled advisors.

With a partnership of this nature, those who have a stake in either SunContract or MoneyRebel will have more options to address their specific situations. Leveraging SunContract’s positively disrupting technology and MoneyRebel’s extensive expertise in personal finance, we believe, will increase both our communities’ welfare.

“MoneyRebel has long-term experience in the financial service industry, wealth management, financial planning and is eager to offer the market another integrated option. SunContract is excited to be able to provide MoneyRebel platform users a solution that will save them money and boost the use of renewable energy at the same time,” said Gregor Novak, CEO of SunContract.

“SunContract has a deep knowledge and expertise in providing solar power plants and saving costs in the energy sector, which should prove to be extremely valuable for our current and future customers,” said Mitja Vezovišek, CEO of MoneyRebel. “This partnership aligns with our core strategy of helping our clients find solutions to manage their personal wealth more efficiently, especially nowadays when electricity consumption is on the rise more than ever.”

Chat with the team on Telegram where we are always active. We are also on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. SNC token is getting fresh traction and is being recognized by new investors and several different exchanges. Be sure to check out the healthy and stable growth of the SNC token.

SunContract is an energy trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy pool based on smart contracts. Blockchain technology takes over the role of the middle man as a trusted technology infrastructure. The blockchain technologies are implemented into existing energy distribution systems without changing the general energy regulation framework. We have already developed and launched our pilot project which is in use on a national level in Slovenia for a start. We are currently working on expansion, adoption and introducing a fiat gateway on the platform for users to purchase electricity directly on the platform without the need for a cryptocurrency exchange.

Fore Media Enquiries:

Winfred K. Mandela

CMO — SunContract




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.