SunContract to enter Italy

New markets on the horizon

3 min readOct 26, 2018


SunContract CEO- Gregor Novak (middle) and Italian partners from Tecnoapp — Giorgio Zaupa (left) and Alessandro Basilico (right)

They say that time flies when you are having fun, and indeed, at SunContract, it seems to pass right by as we seek new, innovative ways to overcome hurdles and work towards creating a more efficient energy system.

2019 is approaching fast and we anticipate new, more exciting milestones for the SunContract project — from business expansion to new partners, new markets and new features on the platform. Before we can eat delicious Christmas treats or usher in the New Year, we still have so many things to iron out, conferences to attend, and partnerships to finalise. One such partnership that we recently have entered is that between SunContract and Italian energy company Tecnoapp.

SunContract and Tecnoapp CEOs sign agreement

As mentioned earlier on our social media channels, we recently entered an agreement with Italian energy company Tecnoapp S.r.. Both SunContract and Tecnoapp signed a collaboration agreement where both parties agree to work on market expansion of SunContract Energy Marketplace and decentralisation of the energy market in Italy.

Tecnoapp has more than 20 years of experience in the field of energy and its team has a wide network of Italian partners and contractors.

Italy, the fourth largest economy in the European Union, represents immense potential for SunContract business expansion and customer acquisition. So far, the country has already managed to install more than 770,000 solar power plants which indicates clear determination of Italian consumers to shift towards sustainable, renewable sources and self-sufficiency.

“Our long term goal is clear: we want SunContract to be a global energy marketplace solution. Thanks to signed agreement with Tecnoapp S.r. we are entering with blockchain technology into Italian energy sector. We expect to benefit greatly from this cooperation. With new customers on the energy marketplace, new experiences and promotions, this partnership will open doors to new markets,” said Gregor Novak, cofounder and CEO of SunContract.

We are very proud to work with SunContract Energy Marketplace. We look forward to decentralizing the Italian energy market with renewable sources of energy. We are working on different business approaches to make photovoltaic, storage and energy exchange systems even more attractive for Italian communities,” said Alessandro Basilico, CEO of Tecnoapp S.r.

Market expansion of SunContract Energy Marketplace is a unique challenge due to very strict regulatory framework. We are therefore thankful to have the support of various bodies such as the European Union that supports disruptive ideas to achieve the ultimate goal of self-sufficiency.

SunContract is an energy trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy pool based on smart contracts. Blockchain technology takes over the role of the middle man as a trusted technology infrastructure. The blockchain technologies are implemented into existing energy distribution systems without changing the general energy regulation framework. We have already developed and launched our project on the national public grid in Slovenia, European Union. We are currently working on expansion, and adoption of the platform globally.




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.