The SunContract Team Tours 10+ Cities in November and December

Here’s our take on the tour

4 min readDec 18, 2018


2019 is approaching rapidly. And so it’s time to look back at our final months in 2018 — a year in which we attended quite a number of events in quite a number of cities in quite a number of countries! In this post, we’ll give you an impression of a few of the conferences we’ve been to, cities we’ve visited and friends we’ve made! So, without further ado, these are the events we attended in November and December of 2018. Bring on 2019!

Blockchain Sustainability Tour

SunContract CEO — Gregor Novak in Jeju South Korea

Together with the European Blockchain Hub, we embarked on a “Blockchain for Sustainability” tour that focused on Europe and Asia between November and December. Here’s where we were: Zug, Warsaw, Berlin, Vienna, Madrid, Stockholm, Manila, Ho Chi Minh, Jeju Bangkok and Singapore.

SunContract and EUNEX officials sign MoU on the Blockchain Tour for Sustainable Development in Manila, Philippines

This was an extremely important tour for the team as it helped us achieve two additional milestones. We signed two Memonranda of Understanding (MoU) with new partner EUNEX, as well as with the Cagayan Freeport (CEZA) which is a corporation owned by the Philipines Government — tasked to develop, manage, operate, and supervise the development of the 54,000-hectare Cagayan Special Economic Zone and Freeport (CSEZFP) into a major transhipment port, an agro-industrial hub, and a tourism center.

SunContract and CEZA CEOs sign MoU in Manila, Philippines

Energy Industry & Smart Cities conference in London

SunContract Director of Business Development — Tomaz Kricej at the nergy Industry & Smart Cities conference in London

The SunContract team also participated in the Energy Industry & Smart Cities conference in London. SunContract Director of Business Development — Tomaz Kricej presented SunContract as a solution for P2P trading of energy at the delegation organised by the British-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce in London. It was a wonderful opportunity to see best practices and innovations in the energy industry and smart cities sectors and we were also very happy to network with potential clients and business partners from the UK.

Digital Solar & Storage

SunContract Director of Business Development — Tomaz Kricej at the Digital Solar & Storage Conference

SunContract Director of Business Development — Tomaz Kricej joined high-level executives from utilities, digital innovators and storage solution suppliers to discuss the latest business models and market trends shaping the New Energy World. He presented the SunContract business model and discussed the problems in the energy sector that we are addressing through digitising energy with blockchain.

Forum Italia Solare, Digital Energy

SunContract Italian Partners Giorgio and Alessandro in Rome with our Director of Business Development, Tomaz

At the ITALIA Solare event, SunContract’s Director of Business Development — Tomaz Kricej formally introduced SunContract’s energy transition solution to the Italian market. He also participated in a panel discussion titled: “Digital Energy: a new approach for the development and the empowerment of energy consumers,” with panelists Sonia Dunlop of SolarPower Europe, Nicolò Rossetto of Florence School of Regulation, Emilio Sani of Solare ENG Italia, Maurizio Delfanti of Politecnico di Milano and Fabio Zanellini of Siemens Spa.

SunContract — A Use Case for Sustainability using the Blockchain

At these events, we presented the SunContract platform which is already in operation in Slovenia for almost one year now, to important decision makers in the energy sector as well as in governments.

At these conferences, the team did not just discuss theories, we in fact had a real life working product to back up our recommendation of blockchain technology as a solution for speeding up the energy transition. Ours isn’t just a product in the testing phase. SunContract is the world’s first solution in the P2P energy market — based on blockchain — that is delivering solutions for consumers with hefty electricity bills, producers with low return on investment on their production assets, as well as adverse effects of fossil fuels on the environment.

As we continue to expand our business into new markets, the role that the events we attend play will become that much more significant. You can follow closely our event stories on Instagram where we’re very active! Have a story to share? Simply use the #SunContract and stand a chance to win some of our community merch!

Not on the platform yet? Register today and join us in the quest for a globally Open Energy Market.

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Chat with the team on Telegram where we are always active. We are also on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. SNC token is available on the following exchanges: HitBTC, Kucoin, OkEx, Huobi, Kriptomat, Yobit and ForkDelta. We’re also on coinmarketcap.




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.