Upcoming Prosumers Info-Sessions

All producers and consumers welcome

2 min readFeb 1, 2019


Think about the last time you visited a retail store… You weren’t 100% sure of what you were going to get, but you had a general idea. We’ve received a lot of interest about joining the SunContract platform. But like anyone visiting a shopping mall, there may be key pieces of information you need in order to make your decision to join the platform. Regulations in the energy sector are changing and in the process, new opportunities arise for prosumers.

And here’s where we come in. We have decided to host info sessions (FREE) in the month of February where we will go through the following things with you:

  • Why is energy self-sufficiency trending? What are its benefits?
  • How can you have more control over your electricity production and profitability?
  • As a consumer, how can you take advantage of clean energy?
  • Why are many energy producers and consumers joining the SunContract platform? What is SunContract anyway?
  • What are the benefits of being a producer or consumer on the platform?
  • How can you get started?
Connect with energy producers on the SunContract platform. Maximise your profitability.

When are the sessions?

These info sessions will be held at the following locations and on the following dates:

📍 12 February, 2019–16:30: Naklo, Biotehniški center Naklo.

📍 14 February 201917:30: Hoce, Gasilski dom Bohova.

📍 26 February 2019 — 16:30: Slovenj Gradec, Podjetniški center Slovenj Gradec.

Interested in joining? Simply fill out this invite so that we know to expect you! In the meantime, here’s a throwback from our last info sessions in Maribor and Murska Sobota.

If you know any producers (or electricity consumers interested in becoming producers) that could join the SunContract energy marketplace, you can send them an invite and you will receive 10 euros towards your next electricity purchase upon their first transaction on the platform!

Not on the platform yet? Register today and join us in the quest for a globally Open Energy Market.

Start supporting green energy, local communities and disrupting technologies! Register on the SunContract platform, chat with the team and community members on Telegram where we are always active. Our great supporters are following us also on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Buy SNC on: OkEx, Huobi, or Kriptomat.




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.