Making Game Marketability Testing Easy with Sundash

Dennis Heinrichs
Sunday Blog


At Sunday, we’ve taken a complex process and made it simple with Sundash. For game developers, setting up Facebook or Unity marketing campaigns requires a lot of manual work and marketing expertise, but not with Sundash.

To make game marketability testing as easy for our developers and partners as possible, our Growth team used all of their game marketing experience to pre-define all test variables for you. They’ve worked out all the required details like test lengths, budgets, bid strategies, and marketing configurations. The beauty of Sundash is that now you don’t have to navigate this complex process by yourself, as all you need to do to start testing with Sundash is click a couple of buttons.

Now, let’s get you through the three types of tests that you can easily conduct with Sundash: IPM, MVP, and SCB tests.

IPM Testing on Sundash

IPM tests are crucial to understand how appealing your game prototype is to prospective players. Before you invest your resources into developing the idea further, it’s the best practice to do an IPM test and see whether the game is marketable. An IPM test on Sundash is run through the Facebook network and can be initiated as soon as you have a basic prototype with just enough content to create an ad.

To IPM test on Sundash, you first select the videos to test: either from previously uploaded ones or something entirely new. Once the tests are completed, the results will indicate several key metrics such as the amount spent, the number of impressions received, downloads, CTR, CVR, IPM, and CPI.

Analyzing these results allows publishing managers and game designers to predict the success of the game and easily decide whether they need to continue developing the project or move on to the next idea. They will also clearly see the videos that the players found the most appealing. These elements that performed the best during the IPM testing are a perfect driver for the future game development process. That could mean focusing on level design, art style, game mechanics, or any other aspect of the winning marketing asset that resonated the most with the audience. Ultimately, a successful IPM test is an indicator of player preference, guiding developers toward what players want to see and engage with in the game.

Star Feature #1:

Whether you’re performing an IPM, MVP, or SCB test, Sundash offers you to decide exactly when your ad assets will be tested. You have three modes to choose from:

  • ASAP: Your campaign will be tested as soon as Facebook has reviewed and approved it.
  • MANUAL: After Facebook has reviewed your videos, you can manually launch the test at any convenient time.
  • SCHEDULED: It allows you to set a specific time for the test to go live. This feature is especially beneficial if you want to test your videos when they’re likely to garner the most attention, like when your target audience is most active. This flexibility means you can fine-tune your testing timings without interrupting your schedule.

MVP Testing on Sundash

Once your game has passed the IPM test, the next step taken through Sundash is to create an MVP for more intensive testing. This involves enhancing the game with more content, usually around ten levels, and testing it in greater depth.

Sundash goes the extra mile to simplify user experience, both in terms of testing and understanding the results. Just as with the IPM test, there’s no need for meticulous setup procedures or reading into the fine print — our Growth gurus have already taken care of that. They’ve leveraged their years of expertise to preset the testing parameters and automated the entire process with Sundash’s user-friendly interface.

Performing MVP testing on Sundash lays bare an even more detailed view of the game’s marketing performance. For the MVP test results, the platform provides precise and granulated data, for instance, playtime data, level progression, or ARPI. This data, as well as other KPIs, are represented as average measures in graphics, or in a table format for deeper analysis of player behavior and preferences.

The insights gleaned from these KPIs empower project managers and game developers to discern the potential of the game and pinpoint any weak spots, and ultimately appeal to players as much as possible.

SCB Testing on Sundash

Once your game has undergone the essential IPM and MVP tests and it’s ready for a larger audience, it’s time for scalability testing on Sundash. This step is taken when your game is set to expand to specific geographies or even on a global scale.

Similar to the previous tests, the Sundash team has streamlined everything to make it as straightforward as possible for you. Your role is simply to choose the creative packs that will be tested.

However, a significant aspect that separates SCB tests from the IPM and MVP ones is the platform used. Instead of Facebook, SCB tests are conducted in Unity, which is important because Unity has a unique set of requirements for creative assets.

Despite this change in the testing environment, Sundash remains committed to handling all the complex details. You are free to concentrate on making the pivotal decisions related to creative selection, while Sundash ensures the test runs smoothly.

Star Feature #2:

Sundash acknowledges that innovation never sleeps, especially in the dynamic world of game development. Therefore, Sundash is designed to act swiftly on the feature ideas that game developers or publishers envision.

If there is a feature that developers feel would enhance their ad testing or game development process, they can discuss its implementation with the Sundash team. Depending on the specifics of the request, most ideas can be swiftly brought to life within the Sundash system. In our previous article, we discussed how one of Sunday’s game leads came up with the Ideation feature for Sundash, which was quickly implemented in one of the next builds — check it out.

This capability sets Sundash apart from other platforms, by prioritizing user input in real-time and enhancing the scalability and customizability of the system. With Sundash, game developers and publishers get more than just a service; they get a responsive, agile partner ready to accommodate their evolving needs and innovative ideas.

Try Sundash Too!

All of our partner studios use Sundash, which curbs the need for manual effort, saving them tons of time to spend on actually making games. If the thought of manually setting up all elements of a campaign — the allocation of budget, determining the bids, defining campaign objectives, and so forth — ruins your excitement from game development, consider publishing with Sunday, and let’s create together!

