For the bowl of soup…

Pearl Onderi
Sunday Brunch
Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2022

Once upon a time…in a land far far away, there lived an old man, his wife and their twin boys. The elder son was a skillful hunter who enjoyed the open country while the younger was a mama’s boy who stayed home doing nothing much.

As was tradition, the elder son was entitled to a blessing-the birth-right inheritance.

However, one afternoon, upon returning home from the fields, exhausted and hungry, the elder son noticed smoke coming from the kitchen. He could smell some sweet aroma too. He was famished and hurriedly made his way to go get some of whatever food that was cooking.

Expecting to find his dear mum, he was surprised to meet his brother. So he can cook, he thought to himself. Some yummy pot of lentil soup was on the fire. He had no time to think, he was hungry and at the brink of passing out so asked his beloved brother for something to eat.

“No, I won’t give you any” his brother protested.

“Come on man. Give me just some of that soup” said the older brother already sitting down on a nearby mat.

“No! Haven’t you got any wild meat from your hunting escapades? You can roast yourself some” his younger brother said angrily.

“Please, brother” begged the older brother “I’ll do anything for you man. I’m dying of hunger here”

“Anything you say?” asked the younger one with a naughty grin.

“Yes, anything” affirmed the older brother.

“Even denouncing your birth right?” asked the younger brother, now beaming with pure evil joy.

“What can a stupid birth right do to a dying man? You can have that birth right if you want. Please give me some soup” said the older brother hastily, not thinking over his words or their repercussions.

“You promise? You must swear to me right now. Swear that you have relinquished your birth rights. Swear to me” insisted the younger brother.

“I swear man. What’s with you today? I make an oath, that I your elder brother, shall no longer be interested in my inheritance. Is that good enough for you?”

“Yes. Yes. That’s good enough” replied the younger brother who was obviously excited about what had just happened.

He hurried and served his elder brother a bowlful of the yummy lentil soup accompanied it with some generous helping of pieces of freshly baked bread.

And just like that, by despising the value of his birth right, the elder son lost his place in destiny to his younger brother all because of that bowl of soup.

For that bowl of soup, he became a slave to his younger brother.

For that bowl of soup, he sold his position in the lineage of Christ.

For a bowl of soup, Esau’s name is barely mentioned a few times in the book of Genesis or the history of the Israelites while Jacob became the father of a nation; Israel.

What are you gifted and blessed with today? What is that talent, that friendship, that opportunity, that marriage or wealth with your name on it? What is that inheritance that you think so lowly about? That which is so valuable that those around you are envious over but you despise oh so greatly?

Are you in hurry to give it up for temporary pleasure, something you can live without? Are you despising your God-given gifts and your talents just because you don’t think they are worth much? Are you looking at the relationships you have with those around you and taking them for granted because you focusing more on material gains over forming bonds and connections?

Are you despising your marriage over that temporary fiery fling? Do you plan on divorcing your partner because of the promises of a lover?

Is it that you are willing to sell that business idea, that property you inherited from your parents or that which you have put in so many hours, tears and work into for momentary yet unsustainable gain?

Don’t be quick to satisfy a momentary urge, that seemingly pressing urgent need yet one you can live without in place of your “right”, your blessings and your place in history.

Don’t be the “elder son”, who upon realizing his mistake and regretting could only do just that, regret. For it was too late to reclaim the birth-right he had relinquished for a bowl of soup.

Have a lovely week ahead, focus on what matters, what brings joy and grows you. Also, please find me on where i offer freelance legal services.

