Microservices architecture — is it worth the hoopla?

Sukant Kumar
Sunday Labs
Published in
4 min readNov 8, 2023


In the ever-evolving world of software architecture, one term has generated a significant amount of “hoopla” in recent years — microservices.

Every time I talk to a budding developer and entrepreneur — there is one thing in common. Everyone wants their software to be written using a microservices architecture. A slight deep-dive on why they want so reveals that it helps in building a distributed system and scaling to millions of users.

Seriously? Man, you haven’t yet figured out the PMF and you are talking about a million-user scale. Even if so, is it the solution? You might kill me for this but I don’t think so!

In this blog, we’ll explore the origins of microservices, delve into code snippets, look at companies successfully leveraging this architecture, discuss cases where it may not be the best fit, weigh the pros and cons, and ultimately help you decide if microservices are the right choice for your product and team.

The Origins of Microservices

Microservices are an evolution of the service-oriented architecture (SOA) principles, and they’ve gained prominence in the era of cloud computing and DevOps. The concept of microservices is rooted in breaking down complex applications into smaller, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled separately. This approach allows for better flexibility, scalability, and maintenance of software systems.

Code Snippets: A Glimpse into Microservices

# Order Service
@app.route("/create_order", methods=["POST"])
def create_order():
# Business logic to create an order
return "Order created successfully"

# Inventory Service
@app.route("/update_inventory", methods=["POST"])
def update_inventory():
# Business logic to update inventory
return "Inventory updated"

# Payment Service
@app.route("/process_payment", methods=["POST"])
def process_payment():
# Business logic to process payment
return "Payment processed successfully"

In this example, we have three microservices (Order, Inventory, and Payment) that communicate via HTTP requests. Each service focuses on a specific business capability, and they can be developed and deployed independently.

Companies Embracing Microservices — Netflix, Uber, Amazon

Companies Using Monolith — Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce

When to Go for Microservices

The decision to embrace microservices should be driven by your project’s requirements. Consider microservices when:

  • You anticipate rapid growth and need scalable solutions.
  • Your team is experienced in managing distributed systems.
  • You require independent development, testing, and deployment of components.
  • Your application has clearly defined, isolated functionalities.

Time to Build for Microservices

  1. Initial Development: Building a software system using a microservices architecture often requires more time upfront compared to a monolithic approach. This is because you’re essentially developing multiple small, independent services, each with its own codebase, APIs, and infrastructure. This initial overhead can extend the time it takes to deliver a minimum viable product (MVP).
  2. Team Coordination: Microservices often involve multiple development teams, each responsible for a specific service. Coordinating the work of these teams, especially in larger projects, can be time-consuming. Effective communication and collaboration are crucial to ensure that each service aligns with the overall project goals.
  3. Deployment and Orchestration: Microservices demand more sophisticated deployment and orchestration mechanisms. Containerization technologies like Docker and container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes are often used, which can require additional setup and configuration. However, once set up, they facilitate easier and more frequent deployments.
  4. Testing and Integration: Testing in a microservices architecture is inherently more complex due to the distributed nature of the system. Ensuring that all services work together seamlessly may take more time, and a robust testing strategy is essential to catch issues early.
  5. Iterative Development: Over time, as the project evolves, microservices can offer faster development cycles. Individual services can be updated or extended independently, which can lead to quicker feature development and release.
  6. Scaling: Microservices allow for fine-grained scalability, meaning you can scale specific services as needed. This can lead to faster response times and better performance when compared to a monolithic system that scales as a whole.

Time to Build for Monolith

  1. Initial Development: Building a monolithic application typically requires less upfront effort because everything is contained within a single codebase. You can quickly create a functional prototype and get started with development.
  2. Simplicity: Monoliths are simpler to develop, test, and deploy initially. There’s no need for the complex setup of microservices infrastructure, which can speed up development time.
  3. Single Development Team: Monolithic applications can be developed by a single team, which simplifies coordination and communication. Team members can have a shared understanding of the entire codebase.
  4. Deployment: Deploying a monolithic application is straightforward as there’s only one unit to deploy. This simplicity can lead to faster release cycles in the early stages.
  5. Testing: Testing a monolithic application is more straightforward, as all components are tightly integrated. This can result in quicker identification and resolution of issues during development.
  6. Scaling: While monolithic applications can be scaled horizontally by replicating the entire application, the process may not be as fine-grained or efficient as microservices.

Choosing Between Microservices and Monolith

The decision on whether to opt for microservices or a monolithic architecture should be influenced by your project’s specific needs and constraints. If rapid development and time-to-market are your primary goals, a monolithic architecture might be more suitable initially. On the other hand, if you anticipate long-term scalability and agility, and are willing to invest time in setup and coordination, microservices could be the way to go.

It’s important to note that some organizations choose a hybrid approach, starting with a monolithic architecture for simplicity and transitioning to microservices as the project evolves and the need for scalability and flexibility becomes more pressing. This allows them to balance the advantages of both approaches while managing the associated time and complexity.

Let’s talk more on this? Here is the link to my calendly — https://calendly.com/sukantk/talk



Sukant Kumar
Sunday Labs

Building Sunday Labs! Startups. Roller Coasters. Food. Story Teller.