How Do You Feel About Daily Work?

We spend at least 33% of our lives working — that’s half of our waking existence — so should we not love our work? My investigations have revealed that many people don’t.

The Sunday Letters Journal
6 min readFeb 8, 2021


I’ve been asking this question of myself ever since hitting a brick wall back in 2010. I could see it up ahead for a few years but I disregarded its likely impact. I put the head down, blinkers on, and kept working. It came on me fast and hard, and the results weren’t pretty. I stumbled around in the aftermath for another four years before I finally found a sense of direction through studies in psychology. It prompted a question that I’m still asking myself, and others too.

Survey: How Do You Feel About Your Daily Work?

It’s a question that throws up a diverse range of answers, but there seems in this, three general themes;

  1. I hate my work and wish I was doing something else
  2. I like/love my work but…
  3. I love my work
Feelings about daily work survey results
How respondents feel about their daily work. Image by author



The Sunday Letters Journal

Work Psychologist & lecturer writing on the human relationship with work | Unworking | Future of Work | Leadership | Wellbeing | Performance |