I’m An Introvert: Here’s What That Means

Fellow introverts rejoice! You are not alone. Ok so you are alone, but that’s cool. Here’s what it means to me to be introverted.

7 min readJul 31, 2019


Welcome to The Reflectionist, a daily dose of reflection on the nature of the self, personal reality, creativity, life and work, submitted to the public record for posterity. Read personal essays and articles on the psychology of creativity to help you nurture and broaden your creative prowess.

My name is Larry, and I am an introvert. I am introspective, content in solitude, comfortable in my own skin, standing quietly on the periphery of the madness (occasionally taking part). Maybe it’s a protection mechanism, but then if it is, it is as much a protection mechanism as an extrovert’s need to be in the spotlight.

Introverted people perhaps show a deeper level of personal security and solidity than extroverted people. In what I see as a fickle world full of people with short term relationship goals, introverts can perhaps find peace alone. Extroverts seek fulfilment and purpose in the exterior world; introverts look inward.

Now, not every inward-looking person fits this stereotype, of course not. We differ to varying degrees of the multitude of aspects of personality that we can say…



Larry G. Maguire
The Sunday Letters Journal

Work Psychologist & lecturer writing on the human relationship with work | Unworking | Future of Work | Leadership | Wellbeing | Performance | larrygmaguire.com