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Just Do The Work

Don’t read this article if you want to continue avoiding the only thing that matters.

The Sunday Letters Journal
4 min readJul 25, 2019


Welcome to The Reflectionist, a daily dose of reflection on the nature of the self, personal reality, creativity, life and work, submitted to the public record for posterity. Read personal essays and articles on the psychology of creativity to help you nurture and broaden your creative prowess.

At 30, I was full of beans.

I wanted to know how to be successful, and I knew there had to be someone out there who had the answer.

So I pursued that person relentlessly.

I pushed hard to find what I thought I didn’t have, and in that, I forgot about the only thing that mattered — The Work.

Fifteen years down the road, as I browse the articles here on Medium, it becomes quite apparent that many people are just like me; seeking answers to problems.

Now, that’s all fine, but the elephant in the room here is that while we’re looking for answers to problems, we’re focused on the problem. We are immersed in our lack of success, of skill, ability, whatever – you name it.

So what’s the problem?

The problem is we have a linear concept of life and work, and in that, we believe that there is…



Larry G. Maguire
The Sunday Letters Journal

Work Psychologist & lecturer writing on the human relationship with work | Unworking | Future of Work | Leadership | Wellbeing | Performance |