Photo by Philippe Toupet on Unsplash

Welcome To The Sunday Letters Journal

Formally The Reflectionist


I started The Reflectionist back in July 2019 as a place to share thoughts and ideas with a broader audience on life, work, and the pursuit of happiness. Recently, in an effort to form a single brand for my online writing, The Reflectionist is now called The Sunday Letters Journal. I don’t write for clicks, comments and applause. If those things come, then great, I’ll be happy about that. But they are not primary, something else is, something I can’t sufficiently explain.


Subjects are likely to include the following;

  • The nature of work, career, and business
  • Psychology
  • Philosophy
  • Society
  • The self
  • Creativity
  • Writing

The Articles

Articles might be short, like a paragraph or two, or they could be quite long, perhaps a couple of thousand words.

Sunday Letters Newsletter

Articles will go out regularly enough. However, I may go missing from time to time. If you miss an article, don’t sweat it. You can catch the archive here at any time. The newsletter contains material not always…



Larry G. Maguire
The Sunday Letters Journal

Work Psychologist & lecturer writing on the human relationship with work | Unworking | Future of Work | Leadership | Wellbeing | Performance |