Eleven Praises

Joseph Matick
“Sundays” Journal
3 min readJul 22, 2020

For you

Author’s image


Let’s make a miracle out of that mind
It’s a masterpiece
It’s a map
It’s definitely a map


You are here


I wanted you to paint, but I tripped over the canvas and made a mess
And together we cleaned it up
And saw that it was good
I wanted you to sing, so I shouted out of key
And you sang for me, with me
And we saw that it was good
And on the seventh day we stayed up all night


Let’s go for a walk


In grade school they said that hole went all the way to China
Shamans say it’s where to purge in a delicate ritual with guttural grandmother Earth
They say that hole is infinite
That if you could jump through it at nighttime as a boy, you would land on two feet in the big bright light as your very own grandfather
They say that hole is a wishing well


I see
I see, I see


I have seen you are my infinite agreement cellular handshake tearing up like Holy Madonna happy with death and it’s place outside of your lifetime

We are fingerprints on each other’s final blood cell
My great companion, my person
My holy youth and death

I will always find you when you are looking onward


Don’t turn your back on the fire we’ve created
You are on the honor roll your great majesty and don’t you forget it or suspect your loved ones will and don’t stare at the sun for it is far too much for your perfect eyeballs and your time has come but not too soon and you are wise old howling owl beyond your years beyond mass and matter pure crystal energy freebase chutzpah behind the scenes ahead of your time and right in your face


Written in the great books of the code of Hammurabi, the tablets of Moses, etched into the helix of your DNA strand and graffitied onto pyramid walls ancient hieroglyph NASA transmission antenna satellite great dish in the sky scattered plasma sacred broken mirror geometry reflected infinitum sand water paper mass woven into the sonic symphony that catches you and drapes your skeleton printed on the very skin you’re in
painted on her very glance and it is all that you get


We are standing here at the edge of time
we are the floral descendants of God herself
the noisy fantastic magic circuit breaker one two three and you are never the same
if you listen closely or focus on a task you can see a good kind of god
and marvel to think you are constantly seen
and wonder if you are marveled at with the same awe and know the answer is


All that you get is all the love you deserve all that you get
all the glory of the elders enthusiasm of your youth you receive all of the praise, honor, acknowledgement and fulfillment

All that and more pain, beautiful pain painting all that will color the book cover to cover in the happiness of warm blanket
In the specter of your youth
In the healing of your inner child and


All you get is pain and pure joy, but you get all of it at least
no thing



Joseph Matick
“Sundays” Journal

Performer studying language and its parameters. Creator of and host to the “SUNDAYS” events collective.