Why business is closely related to communication skill?

Sung Woo Heo
Sungwoo Heo (Dean)
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2017

What do we usually come up when we think about the success of business? Maybe lots of people might consider profits as a standard of the success in their business. However, we should think about what makes the business successful. From this blog, I want to discuss about the most significant soft skills in business, “Communication skill”. Actually, communication form the basis of the structure of making profits. As my philosophy of work is that we have to feel work as an enjoyment, but need to do with a high passion. We would feel work circumstances as their enjoyable spaces to spend time each other. For that, we need to respect everyone even though they don’t have same personality as me. These difference can be solved by well-communication between us. It is also linked to basic emotions we should get during working such as responsibility, and cooperation.

All of these elements are connected to communication, because without fluent communication, nothing can be achieved. Including the ability to talk and communicate effectively with people who we work with, there are more advantages of having good communication skills both inside and outside of the business. For external facts, maintaining connection with customers and stockholders from various field of business is basically based on communication. For internal facts, frequent communication between different departments can be one of the ways to improve company itself. At the general meeting, introducing new fresh ideas from each department and communicate these ideas to find the best idea can help both employees and company. Therefore, communication must be an important element to possess in our own business. One step further, I want to learn more about how does better communication skill effects directly to customers, company, and outcome of profits by searching academic articles and researches from library.

