Create a Node Microservice — Part 2
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1 min readMar 21, 2016
Extending from part-1, this uses the Dockerfile to create an image of the microservice container.
Create Dockerfile
Dockerfile allows us to provide instructions for creating an image and run a container. Instead of using command line we can specify a Dockerfile to create our Node image..
File: DockerfileFROM ubuntu:latestRUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get nodejs nodejs-legacy npm
Save the above file and then build the image. Docker builds this image in layers and caches the layers.
host$> docker build -t nodejs:0.1 .
Now, lets copy our Microservice code in the container and build it again.
File: DockerfileFROM ubuntu:latestRUN apt-get updateCOPY hello-microsvc/package.json src/RUN apt-get nodejs nodejs-legacy npmCOPY hello-microsvc src/WORKINGDIR src/CMD ["npm", "start"]
Create a final version of the docker image
host$> docker build -t microsvc:0.2 .
Test your micro service by running the following command
host$> docker run -d -p 3000:3000 microsvc:0.2
Find the IP to use in the browser
host$> docker-machine ip
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