Saber afBTC-renBTC Liquidity Pool

Sunny Aggregator
Sunny Aggregator
Published in
Jan 12, 2022

At 23:00 UTC on January 12, Sunny users who deposit Saber afBTC-renBTC LP will begin earning SUNNY yield. Users can already start depositing Saber afBTC-renBTC LP on Sunny to start earning SUNNY rewards immediately when yields for afBTC-renBTC go live. To obtain Saber afBTC-renBTC LP, users can create Saber afBTC-renBTC LP on Saber.

The Saber afBTC-renBTC pool is composed of afBTC, wrapped Bitcoin bridged from the Fantom blockchain via Allbridge, and renBTC which is Bitcoin bridged natively using Ren. For more information about these assets, see the Saber announcement about Fantom assets.

