Saber TRYB-TRYB Liquidity Pool

Sunny Aggregator
Sunny Aggregator
Published in
Jan 21, 2022

At 23:00 UTC on January 21, Sunny users who deposit Saber TRYB-TRYB LP will begin earning SUNNY yield. Users can already start depositing Saber TRYB-TRYB LP on Sunny to start earning SUNNY rewards immediately when yields for TRYB-TRYB go live. To obtain Saber TRYB-TRYB LP, users can create Saber TRYB-TRYB LP on Saber.

TRYB is a stablecoin pegged to the Turkish Lira issued by BiLira. The Saber TRYB-TRYB pool is composed of Solana native TRYB and TRYB bridged from Wormhole. For more information about these assets, see the Saber announcement about TRYB assets.

