Saber wLUNA-renLUNA Liquidity Pool

Sunny Aggregator
Sunny Aggregator
Published in
Sep 9, 2021


At approximately 23:00 UTC on September 9, Sunny users who deposit Saber wLUNA-renLUNA LP will begin earning SUNNY yield. You can already start depositing Saber wLUNA-renLUNA LP on Sunny to start earning SUNNY rewards immediately when yields for wLUNA-renLUNA go live. To obtain Saber wLUNA-renLUNA LP, you can create Saber wLUNA-renLUNA LP on Saber.

LUNA is the native token of the Terra ecosystem, used to secure the network, pay transaction fees, and collateralize stablecoins. wLUNA is the wormhole wrapped version of LUNA which can be used to bridge LUNA between Solana and Ethereum. renLUNA is a wrapped version of LUNA created by the Ren Project. Users can bridge renLUNA from Ethereum to Solana using Wormhole.

You can also perform a single sided deposit on Saber using either asset, and may receive a deposit bonus if the pool is unbalanced.

