Sunny’s Blockchain for Beginners FAQ

Sunny Aggarwal
Sunny Aggarwal’s Blog
4 min readDec 21, 2017

Wow, those were super cool! I want to go really deep into this stuff and learn more! Where should I start?

I suggest the UC Berkeley Blockchain Fundamentals Decal course that I co-designed.

All the materials are online here: Blockchain Fundamental Decal

The YouTube playlist is here: Blockchain Fundamentals Decal Playlist

I’m a developer. How do I get into blockchain application development?

For the moment, I would suggest focusing on Ethereum. I’m not convinced that their paradigm is optimal, however, for now until we release more material from Cosmos Academy on how to develop using Tendermint / Cosmos, Ethereum is the best starting point to hit the ground running.

I highly suggest using the following handbook I created during my time at ConsenSys:

Alternatively, if you prefer a more guided course, two of my friends, Ali Mousa and Collin Chin from Blockchain at Berkeley, created the following course (note it has a cost of $150):

Why is Bitcoin price rising?

I don’t know. This article from The Atlantic does a decent job of at least laying out some of the theories:

Is Bitcoin in a bubble?

Probably. But all money is a bubble!

I don’t understand the economics of Bitcoin. Where does this stuff get value from? How does it make sense if a government doesn’t back it?

Read this:

Should I invest in …?

I don’t give investment advice. To be honest, you probably don’t want my advice anyways, I don’t know much about trading and stuff. Feel free to ask me what I think of the technicals of a protocol though!

What are your favorite blockchains/cryptocurrencies?

  • Bitcoin
  • Bitcoin Cash
  • Ethereum
  • Ethereum Classic
  • Stellar
  • ZCash
  • Oh, and of course Cosmos :)

How many ICOs have you partaken in?

Only one, RChain. And I consider it mostly a donation to fund Greg Meredith’s work :)

How do you keep up with blockchain news?

Tbh, mostly Twitter and word of mouth.

Here’s a decent starter pack list of interesting people to follow on Twitter:

I also really enjoy listening to the Epicenter Podcast.

And I need to give a shoutout to Blockchain at Berkeley for their awesome blog

What do you work on?

I am currently a research scientist on a project called Tendermint / Cosmos. I focus particularly on Proof of Stake economics and Byzantine Fault Tolerant systems. Want to learn more about Tendermint and Cosmos, check out this video!

I am also currently an advisor for an organization I co-founded called Blockchain at Berkeley (I previously was the Head of Education and then R&D).

I’ve also previously worked at ConsenSys on the Alethio project and then on ConsenSys Academy.

Check out some more on my website:

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

60% chance it was Nick Szabo.

30% chance it was Hal Finney.

10% chance it was someone else.

How can I contact you with more questions?

Drop me an email at or just message me however you normally do if you know me.

Wow, this FAQ was awesome! How can I tip you?

I accept Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and Ethereum Classic. And if you’re super lame, plain old Venmo works too ;)

  • BTC / BCH: 3NT7b6KNs1kTBJu5fSap1mLGrGQR3ebDxD
  • ETH / ETC: 0xe17A702c7264AB8602e7fDf4d89d8045301E80b9
  • Venmo: sunnya97

And before anyone mentions it, yes, I’m aware of the possibility of replay attacks on ETH and ETC if I’m using the same address. I know how to deal with it :)

