Image description: Picture of a woman She is the color of the smell of autumn.She is leaning toward the camera, smiling.

Support me

Jameelah Jones
Published in
1 min readMay 22, 2019


Hello again. Thank you so much for checking out my publication. This is the page that answers the following questions-

How can I support Jameelah’s work?

Does Jameelah give talks or presentations? Does she offer any other services?

How do I book Jameelah for a thing?

So if those are your questions, you’re in the right place!

How can I support Jameelah’s work?

Always a good question. You can “tip me” for anything that has been really helpful for you through PayPal and Cashapp.

Does Jameelah give talks or presentations? Does she offer any other services?

I offer:

  • Writing
  • Race and gender justice training
  • Poetry readings and speaking engagements

Jameelah sounds great! How do I book her for something?

Send an email to this address: Put “Booking” in the subject line.

Of course, if you have any #Further questions, feel free to email me at the address below. Put “booking question” in the subject line.

Thank you so much for stopping by!

Jameelah Jones



Jameelah Jones

I should write a blog about how hard it it to write bio sentences. Social media, social justice, and me. Grad student. She/Her/Hers