Warm up before you play!

Ania Kozlowska-Archer
Sunshine Inspired Designs
5 min readFeb 4, 2019
Whale in 6 ways illustration

In the past, I thought that jumping straight into creating coloring pages, ink drawing or colored illustration is the way to work. But one day I’ve heard someone say that they don’t start working on their projects if they won’t warm up first. And it hit me that it totally makes sense. Like you don’t jump straight into your workout, you don’t start creating.

For creatives like you and me, our mind and body need to be warmed up. They need to stretch and flex. Warming up energizes and wakes up the parts of your body and mind you’ll be using during your creative work.

With that thought in mind for the last few weeks, I’ve been starting my daily drawing/illustrating practice with a warm-up and it made such a big difference. Over last month I collected 10 of my favorite warm up exercise to spark my creative juices flowing and get me in the right physical and mental place before I start to work on my art.

Cacti Sketch — warm up exercise

My top 10 warm-up exercises to get your creative juices flowing

1. 5 Ways

This exercise is my all time favorite. I draw one thing in 5 different ways. sometimes it is a flower, other times it is an animal, but it can be anything you would like. Draw it in 5 different ways. For example loose ink drawing, watercolor painting, a mix of ink and watercolors, black and white or in color. It is totally up to you!

2. Monochrom

On other days I pick one color and draw using different hues of that one color. Again you can choose anything you want to draw as long as you stick to one color.

3. Draw what you see.

Another great warm-up exercise is drawing what you see. If you work at a desk you can draw the desk or pick a certain part, I usually tend to pick some art supplies lay them out and draw them, if I don't have any art supplies on hand I find something that catches my eye. In the past, I chose an unfinished cup of tea or coffee I had on my desk. If you have trouble coming up with ideas, draw the first thing you see.

4. Details

In this exercise, I draw a shape and then fill in all the details to make that simple shape into something amazing. Many times the result is surprising!

Anemone sketches

5. Pattern Play

Sometimes I just play with patterns. There are two ways to work on this exercise. One is to fill out your canvas with lots of elements to create a pattern. the second option is to create a bunch of squares and then fill them up with different kinds of patterns. If you want something more elaborate. Draw a flower, a house, an animal and fill it out with all kinds of different patterns. If you want to see what I mean google Zentangle and you will see how fun and creative this exercise can be.

6. Letters/Words

Sometimes I just find a word that means something to me and sketch it in my daily sketchbook in all kinds of ways.

7. Challenge Myself

When I do want to challenge myself I find an image online (landscape or a cityscape) and try to draw/paint that. I'm really bad at painting scenes so this is definitely one of the most challenging warm-up exercises I do.

Abstract and color play exercise

8. Abstract

When I feel like I want to focus on something different than what I'm going to be working that day I create abstract drawings, usually colorful patterns, made of paint blobs and layering different kinds of elements.

9. Tell Me A Story

Sometimes I will ask myself to tell a story. On those days I come up with a little story, I write it down. It's usually very short a few sentences and then draw something that was inspired by that story.

10. Lack of Ideas

There are days when I don't feel like warming up or I just don't have an idea what I want to do that day. IN this scenario I give myself 5 mins and go to Instagram or Pinterest and pick one thing to inspire my warm-up drawing. I have to say that if you do decide to do this exercise you need to set a timer and give yourself permission to look for max 5 mins. Instagram and Pinterest are dangerous places and without boundaries, they can suck you in and before you know it it's time for dinner or go to bed and you missed your chance to play.

My Favorite Monthly Instagram Challenges

These challenges are a great place to look for some warm-up inspiration if you are feeling stuck!

  1. Sunshine Inspired Florals Challenge (@sunshine_inspired_florals) hosted by me and my friend Holly. We share weekly photo prompts to inspire your next floral piece. #sunshineinspiredflorals

2. Spring Your Florals (@springyourflorals) hosted by Marie of Beebee’s Letters and Becky of Spring Valley Art with a floral prompt for every other day of the month. #springyourflorals

3. Florals Your Way (@floralsyourway) hosted by a group of amazing artists with a floral prompt for every other day of the month. #floralsyourway

4. Flora and Fauna by Joy of Felicity And Ink @felicityandink with a floral prompt for every third day of the month. #florafaunachallenge

5. Rainforest Extravaganza hosted by Jen of The Bumbling Artist (@the_bumbling_artist) and Nicoline Mann (@nicolinemann) — Weekly challenge for the month of February you can choose a critter or a plant found in the rainforest chosen as a prompt for that week. #rainforestextravaganza

6. 20 Winter Birds by Stephanie Fizer Coleman (@stephfizercoleman) — for this challenge you just pick 20 winter birds and draw them throughout the month. #20winterbirds

