Embracing Grace

Sunshyn Meyekah
Forever Leaving Trails
1 min readOct 21, 2014


Embraced again
My soul races
And is nourished times ten.
Filled with sacred knowings -
The mind’s eye is glowing.
Reaching heights
Of indigo light.
And gracing the skin
As i fall within.

Flowing amidst
I am pieces of the sea.
I innerstand the motions
Of the winds that we breathe.
I see love growing green.
Stitching in gold, the fabrics
Of our never ending dream.

Together is our only way
To save our sleeping days.
United we can awake.
I am forever chasing grace.

Blessed again
With an exotic luxury.
The world
And love’s potency
Is floating me along.
I tune in to
My favourite song
And slowly drift away.
Reaching heights
Of violet light.
And losing the time
As I fully unwind.

Floating admist
I am particles of air.
Simple stardust being -
So transcendent and aware.
We are a never ending flow
This is the only thing to know.
So I bring this all within me.
For here’s our biggest goal:
To Stretch Beyond Our Realm,
And Be One Universal Whole.

Together is our only way
to save our sleeping days.
With love we can awake.
I am forever embracing grace.

~ S. Meyekah

Originally published at hellopoetry.com.



Sunshyn Meyekah
Forever Leaving Trails

Poet Artist & Love Activist ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………☼☼☼☼