From this moment on…

Sunshyn Meyekah
Forever Leaving Trails


Hello to the audience of my imagination, for hardly there would be a true one yet. I am lightworker and love generator. From this moment on I am going to do what is right for my soul. To write - creatively and expressively; and to do so on this platform, called Medium. I find it the most professional, easy to use, and i can have images with my writings. I am more than excited to get started. There are many a years ahead. And I have many minds to awaken, emotions to stir, and inspiring to do in this short lifetime.

I wish to cover all the pieces of me I have discovered, and then further uncover what else I can extract from the other side, into pure expression. To me, writing is a bliss in my life that I cannot live without. It is the only way for me to innerstand the soul in the 3D life we are blessed and cursed to dwell within. Though it is not forever, here is where I make my mark. And I will glide onto grace. I will aim for the stars of distant dimensions and secure the connection. This is my mission. For the mother, I love you.


S. Meyekah.



Sunshyn Meyekah
Forever Leaving Trails

Poet Artist & Love Activist ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………☼☼☼☼