Art journal

Anushka Saxena
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2019

Art should speak. Art should feel. Art should not be blind. Art should be pure about you.

My story is to echo art through minds and souls. To unfold eyes to reality and more. To have you to dream of more. To have you to learn from untold answers.

I started my art journal in August 2014 after going through a turmoil that as an artist I can paint anything but it doesn’t feel like art but more like an illustration. When one sees my illustrations — they seem to be pretty, intricate and may also make someone wonder how difficult it is to make something like that. But they were all dead to me as they never spoke up and didn’t narrate the story behind it. I had a vision and I put it on paper. The art journal is based on my own life experiences to voice my feelings, relationships and life moments.

A pessimist never calls themselves pessimist, when you are being optimistic they ask you to be realistic and when you are being realistic they ask you to be optimistic.

It is all in your hands to not let anyone destroy you. You are creating negativity for yourself and you have all it takes to stop it.

Take the jump and keep hanging there and always be faithful to your inner voice. Always get what you want.

I always intended to create something that you can relate to and I am planning to resonate it again and again.

They will do their all to stop you at every stepping stones and stumbling blocks but never close your eyes and always believe in yourself.

It is very genuine to see that all who would destroy me failed but I won for those whom I kept painting until I found them again.



Anushka Saxena

I study architecture, paint conceptual art and day dream a lot.