[教學] 養成複製APA的習慣

Published in
1 min readDec 11, 2018

編制引文APA很煩,但至少,建議至少,把篇名丟到Google Scholar讓他找一找,複製APA格式下來,貼在文件中。

Using APA format for reference formatting, e.g.,

Using “cmd + opt + c” to copy the “format” below and using “cmd + opt + v” to paste format.

Chen, Y., Conroy, N. J., & Rubin, V. L. (2015, November). Misleading online content: Recognizing clickbait as false news. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on Workshop on Multimodal Deception Detection (pp. 15–19). ACM.

