KingFrog and ThiccBois

Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2021

A Love Story

So by now, y’all have acquired your KingFrogs and you’re wondering, “What do we do now?”. Well, as you may have noticed we have recently launched Melvin’s Snack Shop. Besides being yummy NFT treats, these snacks are the key to unlocking the next step in your KingFrog journey!*2VwmobBK6fa3Hn714QSdqg.png

Each snack has its own rarity and properties, and when fed to your KingFrog it will produce a new visual effect enhancing the frog’s aesthetic appeal. Additionally, feeding a snack to your KingFrog will introduce a metadata upgrade. Now your KingFrog will have a 6th trait and as such will increase in rarity. So even the Gummy Worms will increase the rarity of your KingFrog by a bit, but the Volt Cola or the Blue Chili Fireflies will likely increase your frogs rarity dramatically.

Currently, all the KingFrogs and SupDucks are static PNG images. However, once your frog ingests a snack, it will become an animated image, like a GIF. So your newly empowered KingFrog will have much more visual flair which will be fun to show off on platforms that allow animated PFPs which may include Twitter very soon.

There are only enough snacks for 11,600 frogs. And after frog mashing is implemented (more on that in a minute) there will only be a maximum of 8,600 frogs that are upgraded. Moreover, the upgraded frogs will be the only ones that are eligible to participate in future KingFrog-only drops, so if you don’t upgrade, your frogs will miss out on the fun.*ip5DsK0gf7LDJQEmNjiUOw.png

We could have just released the snacks and called it a day. Upgrading metadata or adding traits to NFTs is a big deal and not many projects have the capabilities to implement it. Plus, we think these new effects are pretty dope and we hope you will too.

However, we wanted to get even crazier. So we introduced ThiccBois. These guys are mega-chonky toads that you create by mashing three KingFrogs together that have been fed snacks. There will be a maximum of 1,000 ThiccBois which will reduce the supply of KingFrogs down to 17,000 and as stated before, will leave behind only 8,600 enhanced KingFrogs.

ThickBois will draw their traits randomly based on the KingFrogs you selected to mash. Not only that, but they will also inherit an effect based on the properties of the snacks that your mashed KingFrogs ingest. One really cool implication of all this is the possibility that traits from the claimed KingFrogs and the minted KingFrogs can be mixed when your toad is created.

The toads will also have a lot of dimensionality when it comes to their rarity. First, you’ll have rarity based on the traits of the KingFrogs that went into your toad. Secondly, the rarity will be influenced by the ingredients you fed your frogs. Thirdly, there will be different bodies on the ThiccBois, which will have varying distribution, like any other trait.

ThiccBois will be a brand new collection and obviously they will be the most exlusive NFT collection we’ve launched to date with a max supply of 1,000. We intend for the toads to be very special and important in the SupDucks universe.*rDqoBKtyClQsgU2WFhBbLg.png

One major, major benefit the toads will have is ability to be licked by your duck. Now, you might be thinking, “What happens when your duck licks a toad?” Well that, my friends, is the million VOLT question :)

After a duck licks a toad — they will trip and trip hard. This will be immediately obvious as your SupDuck will get a metadata upgrade of its own. Just like the KingFrogs and toads, your ducks will be sporting a sweet new animated effect. But that’s just the start.

Here’s where things get interesting. When your duck is tripping, and some might even call it a vision quest, peculiar things start to happen. Legend has it, that when a duck goes on this journey of enlightenment, they are able to communicate directly with the Jungle Duck God.*h73r6Hqk5vUG8na2CwMtSQ.jpeg

Yep that’s right, things just took a wild turn. So obviously, you’re now wondering what cool things might wait in store for those lucky 1,000 ducks that make it this far. Well for that, my fellow ducks, you’re going to have to stay tuned…

