Simple Recommendation system with Amazon Personalize

Super AI Engineer
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2021

Hi, My name is Met (22p21c0380)
This is My second Medium article which published in Super AI Engineer

Today, I will show you What is Amazon Personalize?, And how to use it for recommendation system very clear and simple !!!

Amazon Personalize

Amazon Personalize is one of the service in AWS console which provide recommendation system.

The datasets that you need to prepare:

  1. User-events / interactions — Views, Signups, Purchase action, Use Discount etc.
  2. Item metadata (Optional) — Items detail (Product id, Category, Brand)
  3. User metadata (Optional)— User data (ID, Age, Location etc.)
Key features of Amazon Personalize

Simple Tutorial

  1. Movie recommendation data (CSV file) which has only
  • USER ID — Customer data
  • ITEM_ID — movies watched by customers
  • TIMESTAMP — Timestamp when movies was watched

2. Go to S3 — Upload to Amazon S3 Bucket

3. Go to Amazon Personalize — Create dataset group

4. View dashboard and Upload Movie recommendation data (CSV file) into dataset group that you created

5. Then go to create solution -> To create model of Recommendation system model

ํYou can explore more on: Creating a Solution — Amazon Personalize

6. Completed

You can Explore more on:

Amazon Personalize Deep Dive Series — YouTube

Thank You !



Super AI Engineer

AI Consultant / Crypto Enthusiast Who love Tech & Degen