5 Video Game Sequels We Can’t Wait For Much Longer

I mean, we will…but we really don’t want to

Bre Venanzio
Published in
6 min readAug 21, 2020


As someone whose primary introduction to the gaming world came in the form of the Kingdom Hearts franchise, I’m no stranger to waiting half a lifetime for a sequel to release. Unlike many other branches of the entertainment industry, video game sequels are often just as good as or even better than the original game, making it possible for a very long story to be told over the course of multiple games. I don’t know a single gamer who scoffs at the idea of their favorite solo game being turned into a full-blown series. Unfortunately, good games take time, and we as consumers are not patient, and I’m here to fan the flames of your discontent with five sequels we just can’t wait much longer for — but totally will if you insist.

Source: Nintendo.

Metroid Prime 4

This one hurts a little. The original Metroid games were classics, with iterations on the NES, Gameboy, and SNES. The end of Metroid when Samus, the armored super-soldier protagonist, is revealed to be a woman, is legendary, and still resonates with me today. The Metroid Prime story arc takes place between the original 1986…



Bre Venanzio

Displaced Pittsburgher turned Disappointed Floridian | Voted Most Likely To Win An Oscar, RHS Class of 2008 | Same Myers-Briggs Type as Tony Stark