A Reappraisal of Final Fantasy VIII

The enigmatic iteration of the legendary video game franchise

C.S. Voll
Published in
5 min readNov 2, 2020


In late 1997, Square started work on their next entry in the Final Fantasy franchise. Its importance should not be underestimated — the first entry had saved the company, and its seventh put the developer on the map in international markets, creating a JRPG boom. Several paths were open. With their next entry, Final Fantasy VIII, they took the one least travelled.

Squall Leonhart cosplay photo by Michael Mol. Edited by author. From Wikimedia (CC BY 2.0).

In the public’s hands

The public eventually got their hands on Final Fantasy VIII in 1999. Many bought it because they enjoyed Cloud’s adventures in the previous game, or heard about all the excitement surrounding the franchise, but what they got defied all expectations. This new game was nothing like what came before.

The player doesn’t buy weapons, but upgrades them. Instead of monsters dropping money, you get paid a salary. Characters acquire spells through drawing them out of enemies and then storing them as expendable items. These pilfered spells can then be equipped to characters, to improve their stats, through the Junction system, but with the caveat that…



C.S. Voll

A scholar and writer wearing many ill-fitting hats, trying to do the best he can with what he has.