Alan Wake Takes “Control”

In the AWE expansion, Alan rewrites his fate

B. M. Gonzalez
Published in
7 min readSep 7, 2020


The image of a man hunched over a typewriter flickers across the screen as you make your way towards the elevator. Someone from the beyond is making a call on the Hotline. It’s Alan Wake, and he’s where you’d expect him to be: sitting behind a desk, writing, and in The Dark Place.

Only this time, he’s writing about you.

“Faden sensed a drowning man, desperate to escape. She sensed something else, too. A hunger in the dark…”

Alan is on the Hotline and last we saw him in 2010, he was facing Cauldron Lake, which has the supernatural ability to transform art into reality. The implications give me pause.

In The Foundation DLC, we left Jesse confident that they can carve their own path as Director of the FBC. All of that defiance and free will comes to question the moment Alan — or so we hope is Alan — writes about Faden going to the elevator.

I don’t have enough information to draw any solid hypotheses, so I take the elevator and press the button that will take me to the Investigations Sector…following Alan’s script.



B. M. Gonzalez

A writer who enjoys analyzing video games. Dungeon Master, teacher, accessibility consultant, & fiction writer.