Capcom vs. SNK 2, the Classic Fighter That’s Still Relevant Today

The crossover fighter that still outdoes the competition

Published in
5 min readApr 1, 2022


Make no mistake, there is no other fighting game thing out there like Capcom vs. SNK 2 (CvS2). It set a precedent 21 years ago that still has yet to be matched. It takes the best elements out of Capcom’s fighting games, namely Street Fighter, mixes it with SNK’s various King of Fighters titles, and melds them into one stellar crossover title.

I enjoy playing this game at conventions. I’m terrible with cabinet fighting sticks and acknowledge my place as a gamepad warrior. However, I still enjoy the game and getting to duke it out with other players. I would love to get Fightcade to work so I can take it online. In the meantime, however, let me address why this game is still relevant today.

It’s a shame that, outside of the PS3 PlayStation Store release, we have yet to see the title on modern platforms. Despite its lack of re-release, it remains one of the most beloved titles in fighting game history. Whether due to activity on Fightcade or its cabinets being supplied at Southeastern cosplay conventions, Capcom vs. SNK 2




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