Cloud Strife’s Traumatic Backstory

An in-depth analysis of the legendary Final Fantasy character

Ryan Fan
Published in
6 min readOct 30, 2020


A man is so traumatized by the death of his best friend, who dies trying to save his life, that he adopts the friend’s identity, forgets who he is, suffers flashbacks due to radiation poisoning, and puts on a facade as a cold, aloof, and apathetic mercenary who only cares about making money.

If that’s not a story of trauma, I don’t know what is. The story refers to Cloud Strife, the protagonist of Final Fantasy VII.

I’m playing the remake of the game at the moment, and it has dawned upon me today that the story of Cloud is one of trauma. Cloud, in the words of Planck Storytime, is a JRPG anti-hero — he is not “noble, adventurous, and outgoing,” but instead is just going through the motions and trying to get by. He is arrogant and believes significantly in his abilities. Throughout the game, Cloud has one mission: vengeance in defeating Sephiroth, his nemesis.

Having previously been infused with mako, the energy force of the planet, Cloud struggles to cope with his past traumas, navigate his new life, and forge his own identity. Throughout the early stages of Final Fantasy VII, Cloud claims to be a SOLDIER First Class, the highest possible ranking specialized soldier in the military (like a Navy SEAL in real…



Ryan Fan

Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:39 marathon runner. Diehard fan of “The Wire.”