‘Coffee Talk’ is the Coffee Shop Fantasy I Need Right Now

It’s a classic love story: a writer and a coffee shop

Austin Harvey
Published in
4 min readFeb 25, 2021


Life’s gotten a bit boring, don’t you think? A whole different kind of boring than the Before-Times (pre-pandemic). Before, boring meant “I haven’t been on a vacation to Europe in my life.” Now, it means “I haven’t sat in a coffee shop in 11 months.”

It’s funny how much your perspective can shift, how much we miss the little things now. I miss walking into a room and smelling fresh-brewed coffee, hearing the soft ambiance of other people talking over a milk frother, sitting down and writing at a table with a view and a hot cup of coffee.

Coffee Talk, a game (though I use the term loosely) I picked up on sale from the eShop, is reminding me of all of these things. In a time when going to a normal coffee shop feels like some sort of fantasy, Coffee Talk’s fantastical elements further that sentiment.

Going out to a café and having face-to-face conversations with other people might as well be compared to talking to orcs and vampires and… whatever this is:

Source: ‘Coffee Talk’.



Austin Harvey

Writer, editor, and podcast host. Currently a staff writer at All That's Interesting. Host of History Uncovered and Conspiracy Realists.