Confessions of a Patient Gamer

If you’re a busy gamer having trouble keeping up with all the noise and hype, don’t worry; you’re not alone

Chris Kernaghan
Published in
6 min readSep 30, 2020


How old are you when you start making that sound? You know, the one you make whenever you bend over to pick something up or make the effort to get up from the sofa. It’s the sound those around you have become accustomed to (while not saying anything for fear of offending your fragile sensibilities). It’s just one of many quirks I’ve noticed as I creep through my 30s and into my 40s — although it’s not the quirk I think about most often.

Another reality of life at my age — especially speaking as a father of three — is the lack of time to play games.

Photo by Nick Abrams on Unsplash.

Between getting the kids ready for school, work, exercise, side projects, and family, there is admittedly little time for me to indulge in my favourite hobby: gaming. It’s not just the act of gaming itself though. I also find myself falling behind when it comes to gaming news due to the sheer abundance of it. Many of the latest games mentioned at large publications like Eurogamer are alien to me. Twitter might be bursting at the seams with fans arguing…



Chris Kernaghan

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