Dear Angelica is the First VR Experience to Make Me Cry

This VR film pushes the boundaries of both virtual reality and animation

Limarc Ambalina
Published in
5 min readJun 15, 2020


It was a night just like any other night. I finished work for the day and closed my laptop. I had dinner and after an hour, I put on my Oculus Quest headset in order to begin my VR workout.

However, I noticed the home screen was different. An app I had never seen before was in my library and I realized it was the free VR film I had downloaded the night before. Most reviews said the film ran for just 10 minutes, so I thought, What the hell? Let’s watch this film first. I thought it would be a nice mellow warm-up before an intense session of Thrill of the Fight, but in just a few minutes the film had me in tears and sobbing like a child. Dear Angelica, congratulations. You are the first VR experience that has ever made me cry.

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Limarc Ambalina

Owner of, VP of Growth at | Specializing in AI, tech, VR, and pop culture.