Demon’s Souls Remake is a Reminder of How Far FromSoftware Has Come

A brief look at modern FromSoftware titles brings light to ancient systems and the evolution of Souls games

Paul Lombardo
Published in
6 min readDec 7, 2020


Roll, slash, roll, slash, heal, repeat. The bosses may differ from time to time, but the original Demon’s Souls formula remains strong. FromSoftware, the team behind the legendary Souls series, has used the same recipe for a majority of the titles following the release of this cult classic. The reveal of a next-generation Demon’s Souls remake had fans marking their calendars and getting ready to pre-order a new console just to get tickets to this nostalgia powered roller-coaster.

But what about those who hadn’t played the original Demon’s Souls?

Source: Paul Lombardo.

When I started playing the Demon’s Souls remake, I only had FromSoftware’s Dark Souls III under my belt, so I had a fair idea as to what I should be expecting from the game — and I was right. For the most part, Demon’s Souls isn’t too different, but certain systems have changed over the years.



Paul Lombardo

Journalist writing about video games and the stories they tell | Student at the University of Florida