Exploring the Village of Resident Evil 8

How the Latest Game REpeats the Sins of the Franchise

Josh Bycer
Published in
10 min readMay 19, 2021


Resident Evil 7 proved that the series that had fallen so far out of horror’s grace could still do something interesting, and while it wasn’t the perfect horror experience, it was enough to breathe new life into it. Since then, fans have been waiting to see how Capcom will capitalize on reviving Resident Evil. What we got were two remakes, one amazing, one not so much, and now finally a proper sequel. Resident Evil 8 feels like a more confident version of 7 but fails in my opinion to properly improve on the formula.


Resident Evil 8 once again stars the ultimate hand model Ethan Winters who, after having rescued his wife from the last game, has gone into hiding in Europe with their new daughter Rose in tow. After some shocking (if you haven’t seen every single trailer leading up to the game) scenes, Ethan finds himself stranded in a mysterious village and trying to save his daughter.

The RE Engine is as impressive as ever, with each environment looking amazingly detailed, and the game space is far larger compared to the Baker estate…



Josh Bycer

Josh Bycer is the owner of Game-Wisdom and specializes in examining the art and science of games. He has over seven years of experience discussing game design.