Fans Are Still Modding This Tactical Game 21 Years Later

It’s a testament to the staying power of Jagged Alliance 2, a unique strategy game that has yet to be matched

Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2020


It’s been 21 years since Jagged Alliance 2 was first released in 1999 and yet in that time, no other game has come close to mimicking its winning formula.

Jagged Alliance 2 has you leading a small mercenary company that receives a contract to liberate the country of Arulco from a dangerous dictator. Queen Deidranna’s reign of terror must be stopped. Starting with a limited budget, you have to recruit and equip mercenaries before leading a resistance movement across the entire country.

The game is a unique mix of strategy and tactics. The battles might resemble XCOM but it’s the economic struggle that will challenge most players. You must pay your troops, hire other mercenaries, and bring in supplies. Scavenging and looting will only bring you so far, you need to keep control of an airfield to bring in top-notch body armor or fresh 5.56mm ammunition.

Capturing territory with your team isn’t enough, you also have to hold it. Mercenaries can train militia to defend locations but they’ll need support anytime Deidranna launches a counterattack.

