Four Worlds You Must Visit

Video games provide seemingly infinite virtual spaces to explore. Here are four that you absolutely must see for yourself.

Bryan Finck
Published in
8 min readJul 19, 2020


Video games have always aimed to create a world separate from our own, with experiences gamers couldn’t get anywhere else. As technology has raced forward with time, these worlds have become more realistic, more believable, and at the same time, more fantastic than ever. In the early days, the games gave us a framework to unleash the player’s imagination, creating a theater of the mind. Today, we can visually experience the worlds exactly how the developers intend us to, right down to the most minute of details.

Even in a near-infinite sea of video games and their accompanying worlds, there are some that simply stand head and shoulders above the rest. No matter what you do in these worlds, wandering around soaking in the details or blasting them to bits with deadly weapons, they are some of the most incredible examples of what the art-form has to offer. Once you’re finished reading, do yourself a favor and track down these games to experience the worlds yourself as words alone can’t do them justice.



Bryan Finck

A thought isn’t an idea until you write it down and share it with the world. So I write thoughts about video games, and a few other things. Twitter: @htb390