Games UX: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

Exploring the design behind character selection, hero profiles, and catering for handheld mode

Chris Bam Harrison


So, this whole Marvel thing is getting pretty popular, right? I hear that Endgame movie did relatively well. People seem to really like that Tony Stank character.

Well, in truth, I’m a massive Marvel fan, so the news that we were finally getting another Ultimate Alliance game was extremely exciting to me. After all, the last Ultimate Alliance game was released in 2009. 2009!

If you’re not familiar with the game, feel free to watch the E3 reveal trailer:

If you hate videos and/or fun, then I will explain the game to you very quickly: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order (MUA3) is a four-player cooperative beat-em-up game. You form a team of heroes from Marvel’s popular superhero franchises, including the Avengers, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, and …Elsa Bloodstone?

Since we’re going to spend the rest of the article talking UX, let me just get my review out…



Chris Bam Harrison

UX Designer at ME Bank. I talk a lot about design, design tools, and video games. Always looking for ways to sneak soccer into conversations, too.