Have You Heard of Teiyu Goto?

Learning about Sony’s enigmatic designer in the least expected of places

Chris Kernaghan
Published in
11 min readApr 9, 2021


There’s a little pub in Belfast, nestled within a dimly lit alleyway. It’s sandwiched between a rundown shop and a small café. The grubby exterior looks especially grim on a typical, rain-swept day in county Antrim. Sure, there are people venturing in, but they’re few and far between and almost certainly locals. On Wednesdays however, unfamiliar faces pack themselves into the medieval-like tavern walls. The room comes alive, filled with the clinking of glasses, laughter, and general alcohol-fuelled merriment.

Why Wednesday? Wednesday night is quiz night. The lure of cheap pints and a £50 Amazon voucher for the winning team is, apparently, too much to pass up.

I attended a pub quiz here before the pandemic changed everyone's plans. That night, the questions were fairly typical. Mostly general knowledge with the occasional specialised topic. Nothing too difficult. The optimism among my friends and I felt was palpable. We felt like we were doing well. The more alcohol we consumed, the more our confidence grew — just like in video games!

“Okay, next question folks. Can you list three famous industrial designers from around the world?”



Chris Kernaghan

Good honest design that delights: Connect with Chris, owner of Belfast-based feedme.design, for design guidance and advice at chris@feedme.design.