Hey, It’s Okay to Be Excited For a New Generation of Gaming

’Tis the season of new consoles and budding memories (even during a pandemic)

Paul Lombardo
Published in
4 min readNov 12, 2020


Every video game generation comes to an end and it’s okay to be excited for another. As I rearranged my consoles yesterday in preparation for my PlayStation 5, I had come to the realization that I’d probably be doing the same thing again in another five to seven years. Despite this, I grow exceedingly more hyped as November 12th comes closer. Xbox fans already have their hands on their newest console, the Xbox Series X, and it’s only a matter of time before PlayStation fans get theirs.

For me, an oncoming generation of gaming is closely tied to fall. The slow approach of a brisk winter cold fills me with thoughts of new games, new consoles, and new memories — maybe that’s why fall and winter are my favorite seasons.

This time around, gamers are eagerly awaiting the release of Microsoft and Sony’s new flagship consoles: The Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5. “Launch day” is full of memories for everyone, whether it be the long wait for a package to be delivered or the overnight stay at your local electronics store. With COVID-19 causing a quarantine this year, things will most certainly be different for most gamers, but that hasn’t stopped Microsoft and Sony from…



Paul Lombardo

Journalist writing about video games and the stories they tell | Student at the University of Florida