Hidden Gems of the Wii Era

Nintendo’s iconic motion-based game console delivered plenty of shovelware, but there were also plenty of gold nuggets

Shawn Laib
Published in
8 min readAug 28, 2020


With its family-oriented marketing and easy-to-learn motion controls, the Wii garnered a mixed reputation as a Nintendo console which did not cater to actual gamers, but instead as a vessel for Nintendo to breach every home in the world with their famous IPs. It seemed every developer in the industry wanted to send their Wii game to market chock full of wiggling the Wii Remote, but if the reason you were waggling the controller came into question, well, that was beside the point because of those gorgeous sales figures. Unfortunately, that means that many high quality games get overlooked or forgotten through the years when remembering the console. I thought it was as good of time as any to look back and give credit to the titles that deserved to be played on the Wii, but may have gotten lost in the shovel ware.

Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree



Shawn Laib

University of Washington Class of 2020 in English Literature and fan of video games and basketball. Twitter: @LaibShawn