How Doom 3 Dodged the Survival Horror Bullet

Examining the off-brand Doom

Josh Bycer
Published in
5 min readApr 6, 2021


It is funny how both Resident Evil and Doom had major resurgences over the last decade after some misfires. I’ve already spoken a lot about RE, but today, I want to talk about how id Software had their heart (and shotgun) in the right place with Doom 3 despite making some rookie mistakes in its design and implementation.

No Ripping and Tearing

The story of Doom 3 is much like the stories of all the other Dooms: demons from hell invade and we must stop them. Unlike the previous games where you play as the “Doom Guy”, this time, you are just a regular no named marine. The cutscenes in Doom 3 are on the generic side, especially compared to the “I don’t give a damn” style of Doom 2016 and the over-the-top nature of Doom Eternal.

Even though this is a game with “Doom” in the title, the developer intentions were not to make another FPS, but to try and slow things down for a more horror atmosphere.

My Kingdom for Some Duct Tape



Josh Bycer

Josh Bycer is the owner of Game-Wisdom and specializes in examining the art and science of games. He has over seven years of experience discussing game design.