How to Pitch Your Game to Publishers and Investors

A comprehensive guide that’s especially useful for indie developers

Bryan Finck


Later this week, will present its annual Investment Summit Online event, bringing together independent game developers with publishers and investors. The aim of the summit is to help devs pitch their games and get them funded, a process that typically takes place in person at the various industry events such as GDC, PAX, and the like. In this era of COVID-19 and the paucity of physical events, online meetings such as this take on even greater significance as they are one of the only ways that indie devs have for meeting with these publishers and investors.

In the lead-up to the event, GI asked industry expert Jason Della Rocca to create a video with his tips and best practices for developers who want to pitch their games, which we will review here. For the large number of Medium subscribers working in the development side of the industry, and those who wish to be, this is invaluable information to learn and practice. So enjoy, and make sure to check back soon, as I’ll be attending the summit this week and covering all the new presentations right here!

Della Rocca began his presentation with a few absolutes for pitching your game, regardless of the type of game you have or where



Bryan Finck

A thought isn’t an idea until you write it down and share it with the world. So I write thoughts about video games, and a few other things. Twitter: @htb390