Indie Excavation No. 2: Post-Sale Madness

On display — Godstrike, Ultra Space Battle Brawl, My Night Job

Andrew Johnston
Published in
6 min readJan 6, 2022


Christmas is now behind us, and that means a lot of people out there are staring down the barrel of a really questionable Steam backlog. I hope that among the discounted AAA titles that all of you found it in your hearts to spare a few nickels for a deserving indie, but if you didn’t, then here are three more to consider for the next sale.

Today’s features are a bit of an odd blend. Opening the showcase is a recent release that I think has a real chance of breaking out in the future. Following that, we have two titles that have been sadly buried — one a console-styled multiplayer gem, the other an odd arcade throwback.

As always, if you want to clue me in on an overlooked indie title, you can leave a comment here or send me a message on my site.

Watch the games in action:


OverPowered — 2021 — $14.99



Andrew Johnston

Writer of fiction, documentarian, currently stranded in Asia. Learn more at