Indie Excavation No. 3: NES Throwbacks

On display — Crypt Stalker, Super Cyborg, Gunmetal Arcadia

Andrew Johnston
Published in
5 min readJan 19, 2022


These days, digital marketplaces are bursting at the seams with retro platformers presenting themselves as “spiritual successors” to something on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Most of them are adequate at best, but there are some fantastic platformers that can be had at a tiny price. Today’s exhibit features three such titles that deserve just a little bit of your attention.

As always, if you want to clue me in on an overlooked indie title, you can leave a comment here or send me a message on my site.

Watch the games in action:

Crypt Stalker

Sinclair Strange — 2020 — US$2.99

It is a season of evil. A portal to the world of demons has opened, as tends to happen in the world of old video games. And, as is tradition, it falls to the latest in a long line of heroes to fight back the demons and seal the portal for another age. This time, that hero is Gladys — no last name given, though…



Andrew Johnston

Writer of fiction, documentarian, currently stranded in Asia. Learn more at