Learning to Love Bloodborne

Advice from two super-fans on how to appreciate the PlayStation gem

Bryan Finck


I remember very clearly hearing about Demon’s Souls for the first time. The reviewer said you could not pause the game, and I thought how truly insane that was. At the time I was the father of a two-and-a-half year old boy, so the idea of being able to play a game without interruption for any amount of time was akin to a dream. Needless to say, I never picked up the game, and I still had never played a game of that ilk until I began to hear rumblings about Bloodborne.

Once I finally dove into the game, I loved the aesthetic (basically current-gen Castlevania), the enemy design, soundscape, everything. Only problem was, I was horrible at it. I also couldn’t find the story that everyone swore was there if you looked hard enough. I was able to beat one boss and progress a little, but then I ran into some knight I don’t think I was supposed to be fighting, and was thoroughly drubbed. That was it, I moved on to the next shiny thing and never went back.

It stayed installed, and on my mind, so I decided to find out what I was missing. I needed to know what wasn’t clicking with story and gameplay for me. An esteemed internet friend, Evan McMullen, talked about it glowingly almost every day. I also came to find out that our Editor in Chief…



Bryan Finck

A thought isn’t an idea until you write it down and share it with the world. So I write thoughts about video games, and a few other things. Twitter: @htb390